How To Make Up Room

R1  :  Toilet Bowl Cleaner. The colour is dark blue.
R2  :  Multipurpose Cleaner. The colour is dark green.
R3  :  Glass Cleaner. The colour is blue.
R5  :  Air Freshener (Deodorant). The colour is red.

1.      Room Attendant Trolley :  Place to put a wide range of equipment needed when make up the rooms.
2.      Caddy Carry (Bucket) :  Place to put the equipment, chemical, and clothes that needed when cleaning the bathrooms.
3.      Toilet Bowl Brush  :  Brush to brushes toilet bowl.
4.      Sponge Pad  :   Use to brush the wall of shower room, wash basin, and etc.
5.      Window Wiper  :   Use to drain the water at shower room.
6.      Gun Sprayer  :  Place to put the chemical so we can use it.
7.      Clothes  :    Use for dusting, wiping, mopping, or drying the rooms or the furnitures and the things there.
8.      Vaccuum Cleaner   :   Use to suck up the dust and dirt on the carpet.
9.      Garbage Bag   :   Bag to put the garbage from every rooms that we cleaned.

How to Make Up Occupied Room
1.      Ring the bell, introduce our department in every ring. Do it maximal 3x. (Bell Ring – ‘Housekeeping’)
2.      If the guest open the door, greeting, introduce ourself, and offering service. (Good morning/afternoon Mr. X. I’m Ibeth as your Room Attendant today. May I make up your room?)
If there’s no answer, open the room slowly by the key card, and excuse. (Excuse me, Housekeeping, Mr. X)
3.      Turn on the lamps, open the curtain.
4.      Put the Make Up Sign in front of the door. Close the door.
5.      Stripping all garbages. Throw them into the garbage bag in our trolley.
6.      Stripping the bed. The pillow cases, duvet cover, and the bed sheet. Throw them in the linen bag.
7.      Take the linen from our trolley to make the bed.
8.      Make the bed.
Ø  Scatter the bed sheet first. Check all of side of the sheet. Make sure there’s no any spot, change it if there’s spot. Then ‘lock’ it. Tidy up.
Ø  Scatter the duvet cover then. Check all of side of the duvet cover. Make sure there’s no any spot, also in turn down side. Change it if there’s spot.
Ø  Enter the duvet runner into the duvet cover. Tidy up.
Ø  Fold the duvet in the top side of the bed.
Ø  Enter pillows into the pillow cases. Check if there’s any spot, change it. Put the pillows on the bed. Put in a position to put to sleep. But, if there’s a No Change Sheet Card on the bed, just tidy up the bed.
9.      Go to the bathroom. Clean it.
Ø  If there’s dirty glass, soak it in hot water at the wash basin.
Ø  Dry it by the glass cloth.
Ø  Stripping the dirty towels. Put them in the linen bag.
Ø  Spray R1 into the toilet bowl, let stand for a few minutes. Scrub the toilet bowl by toilet bowl brush until clean. Flush 1-2 times. Fold the toilet tissue being a triangle shape.
Ø  Spray R2 to the shower room’ wall, also to the floor. Brush them with sponge pad. Then drain the water with window wiper, dry with a cloth.
Ø  Spray R3 to the glass door of the shower room, also with sponge pad brush it. Drain water with the window wiper, dry it with a cloth. Make sure there’s no any dried water there.
Ø  Spray R2 to the wash basin, brush with sponge pad. Rinse with water from the tap, then dry with a cloth.
Ø  If the bath tub also used, clean it with the same way like cleaning the shower room.
Ø  Clean the mirror with a dry cloth.
Ø  Mop the bath room floor with R2. Spray a little of R5 to give the impression of fragrance.
Ø  Complete the bath amenities and guest supplies that used up.
10.  Dusting all of the furniture in the room. Start from the door, to the wardrobe, etc. Do it clockwise. While dusting, check the guest amenities and guest supplies in the bedroom and wardrobe that we have to refill. Also in coffee/tea maker. 
11.  Check the mini bar too. If there’s any consume, posting it by dial 8440. Fill the Mini Bar Bill, and leave the white one in guest room. Check the fruit amenities too. Call Amenities Office (6588), to change the fruit.
12.  Vaccuum the carpet with vaccuum cleaner.
13.  Refill all guest supplies and guest amenities.
14.  Double check. Make sure all clear and tidy.
15.  Close the curtain, turn off the lamps, and close the door.
16.  Fill the worksheet with the room status and the time in and out.

How to Make Up Check Out Room
1.      Ring the bell, introduce our department in every ring. Do it maximal 3x. (Bell Ring – ‘Housekeeping’)
2.      If there’s no answer, open the room slowly by the key card, and excuse. (Excuse me, Housekeeping, Mr. X)
3.      Turn on the lamps, open the curtain. Let the door still open.
4.      Stripping all garbages. Throw them into the garbage bag in our trolley.
5.      Stripping the bed. The pillow cases, duvet cover, and the bed sheet. Throw them in the linen bag.
6.      Take the linen from our trolley to make the bed.
7.      Make the bed.
Ø  Scatter the bed sheet first. Check all of side of the sheet. Make sure there’s no any spot, change it if there’s spot. Then ‘lock’ it. Tidy up.
Ø  Scatter the duvet cover then. Check all of side of the duvet cover. Make sure there’s no any spot, also in turn down side. Change it if there’s spot.
Ø  Enter the duvet runner into the duvet cover. Tidy up.
Ø  Fold the duvet in the top side of the bed.
Ø  Enter pillows into the pillow cases. Check if there’s any spot, change it. Put the pillows on the bed. Put it in a established position.
Ø  Pair the bed runner or bed cover.
8.      Go to the bathroom. Clean it.
Ø  If there’s dirty glass, soak it in hot water at the wash basin.
Ø  Dry it by the glass cloth.
Ø  Stripping the dirty towels. Put them in the linen bag.
Ø  Spray R1 into the toilet bowl, let stand for a few minutes. Scrub the toilet bowl by toilet bowl brush until clean. Flush 1-2 times. Fold the toilet tissue being a triangle shape.
Ø  Spray R2 to the shower room’ wall, also to the floor. Brush them with sponge pad. Then drain the water with window wiper, dry with a cloth.
Ø  Spray R3 to the glass door of the shower room, also with sponge pad brush it. Drain water with the window wiper, dry it with a cloth. Make sure there’s no any dried water there.
Ø  Spray R2 to the wash basin, brush with sponge pad. Rinse with water from the tap, then dry with a cloth.
Ø  If the bath tub also used, clean it with the same way like cleaning the shower room.
Ø  Clean the mirror with a dry cloth.
Ø  Mop the bath room floor with R2. Spray a little of R5 to give the impression of fragrance.
Ø  Complete the bath amenities and guest supplies that used up.
9.      Dusting all of the furniture in the room. Start from the door, to the wardrobe, etc. Do it clockwise. While dusting, check the guest amenities and guest supplies in the bedroom and wardrobe that we have to refill. Also in coffee/tea maker. Check the drawer, too. Make sure there’s no the thing of  guest that left. Also under the bed or the desk.
10.  Vaccuum the carpet with vaccuum cleaner.
11.  Refill all guest supplies and guest amenities.
12.  Double check. Make sure all clear and tidy.
13.  Close the curtain, turn off the lamps, and close the door.
14.  Fill the worksheet with the room status and the time in and out.


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