Conversation at Coffee Shop between Linda, Tyas, and Meis

At the Coffe Shop, Linda meet Meis and Tyas......
Linda   : Oh God. What time is it?? Why they aren’t come?
15 minutes later.....
Meis    : Hi, Linda. I’m sorry I’m late. You know Jakarta everywhere is traffic.
Linda   : Yes I can understand that. Do you know where is Tyas? We can’t start meeting   without her.
Meis    : I don’t know where she is. Waiters! I’m order one hot cappucino please!
Tyas     : Hi, guys. I’m sorry I come late because my car tire is leak. Well, in the point is what kind of help your company need from us?
Linda   : I need some the barge to bring coal.
Meis    : Oh, you have a letter of interest, maybe it can help my company to prepare the barge. How much your budget?
Tyas     : Where do you want to send coal? Overseas? If you want to send it to overseas you must have permission. Do you have it?
Linda   : No, I don’t have it because this is the first my company do export-import. And Meis, my budget 800.000/m3 . Can you handle it?
Meis    : Okey I can handle it. Actualy with the other bussiness partner I give 900.000/m3 but because our relation since we in collage I can consider it.
Tyas     : Well, I can help you with permission from Bea Cukai but you must have command letter from your company. How much the barge you want to send?
Linda   : Allright, I’ll call you if I have command letter.
Tyas     : By the way Meis, how long you start this bussiness?
Meis    : Mmm, after I finish my scholar I continue my study bussiness school in Australia. Well after I graduate I accepted in PT. Era Pilindo company as marketing manager. And you Tyas, how long you work in Bea Cukai?
Tyas     : I’m new work in Bea Cukai. Before I work in Bea Cukai I start bussiness with open the boutique.
Linda   : Oh you  have boutique? How do you promotion your boutique? And how about your boutique now?
Tyas     : I’m promotion my boutique from internet such as blog and social media. Alhamdulilah my boutique still have some order.
Meis    : Oh ya, Cintya said that she needed some supplier for bazaar event on Senayan. Can you handle?
Tyas     : When the event start? I think I can handle that but eventually I accept an order one month before the event start.
Linda   : Oh yes. Cintya told me that the event start on two months later.
Tyas     : Well, I can handle that. By the way if you or Cintya want to order clothes, you can contact me by phone number at 0219932101 and this is my card.
Meis    : Oh yes. I’ll give your card to Cintya.
Linda   : So, can we have maybe discount if we are order from your boutique?
Meis    : Yeah, can we?
Tyas     : Hehe yes I give you discount if you order many clothes or accessories.
Meis    : Hahaha okey.
Linda   : Well, time is running and I’ll have go.
Tyas     : Yeah me too.
Meis    : Okey see you all soon.
Linda   : Yeah see you guys soon and thanks for this meeting.

Nama kelompok :
Meis Dwi Puspita        15213417
Linda Yuliyanti           14213997
Rr. Meidrianti BR       18213116


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