My Experience

When I was in high school, I joined the organization. The name of organization is OSIS. First time I joined I was scare, shy, and afraid. Then after I joined, I really happy and lucky to be part of it. Why can I said so? Because in that organization I learned many things. Well, I learned how to planed events, how to work each others, how to built team work and so many things that I can learned from it.
And I met new friends. I share my hole life with them. I found my new family in it. Now, we're like brothers and sisters and I happy that I can met them all. Although, we had different argument about events that we planed. And sometimes I learned from them to not give up on something.
Well, that's my experience about organization that I joined. And that's a lot of benefit that you can get. Like you don't have to shy to try something new and you must keep trying don't ever give up. Because, if we never try, we will never knows what we miss. So, I think is enough to share my experience.


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