Letter Inquiry

Rahmi Lusiani
Jl. Kenanga
Jakarta Selatan

February 28, 2013

PT. Loker Sari
Jl. Cempaka
Jakarta Selatan

Vice-President of Sales

I am a graduate student in Management at Gunadarma University, and I will be awarded an M.S. degree in June 2011. I am currently looking for a position related to Sales Manager in the research and development department of a major company.

At Gunadarma University, my research work involves Management Sales and Marketing. To enhance my background, I have taken some courses in computer, and I have experience in and an understanding of the handle the customer. With this strong background, I certainly believe that I am competent to meet challenging tasks and can make a good contribution to your company. 

Enclosed is my resume, which indicates in some detail my training and experience. I sincerely hope that my qualifications are of interest to you and that an interview might be arranged at your convenience. 

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Rahmi Lusiani


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